Commercial NAME : david guersan

Siret : 7906 5471 900 018
AdDress : 2 place du grand pavois, 94000 CRÉTEIL
Phone : +33683946188


The artist/creator, as defined by French law, remains the copyright holder of his work, having initiated its creation. The reproduction and image rights of the works present on the site belong solely to their authors. Their joint authorization is therefore necessary for any use of these rights. The customer's rights to the purchased work are therefore limited to private use, and exclude all reproduction and image rights.


All elements present on the website and the website itself are protected by copyright, trademarks, designs and/or any other intellectual property rights. These materials include, but are not limited to: video clips, photographs, images, text, logos, brand names, designs, software, etc. These elements are the property of DAVID GUERSAN or third parties who have authorized DAVID GUERSAN to use them.

Consequently, any copy, reproduction, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, sale, whether partially or entirely, by any means and on any type of support (DVD, Blu-ray, paper, digital, etc.) are prohibited without the prior written authorization of DAVID GUERSAN, except for the exceptions provided for in article L 122.5 of the French Intellectual Property Code. This constitutes an infringement of copyright and/or design rights and/or trademark rights, punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of €152,449.02.


The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is applied on this website, to guarantee the right of any user to modify or delete all information associated with their customer account, in order to guarantee its confidentiality. The HTTPS protocol ensures optimal confidentiality of information exchanged on the website, whose hosting at IONOS is compatible with and approved by GDPR standards. The personal data you provide to the site is used solely for the purpose of processing your orders and after-sales services, optimizing your future orders (to avoid having to re-enter your contact details, for example) , to send you information and updates about the website and the online store. The resulting data files are never transmitted to a third party. In summary: we do not sell any of our address or email databases. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter, regardless of the processing of your customer account information, by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each automatic email you receive. For any questions or difficulties, please contact us via the online form.